Special Educational Needs & Disability
All staff at Middlezoy and Othery Schools are committed to providing the best learning opportunities for all children.
We are an inclusive school, working together with parents/carers and a wide range of outside agencies and professionals. This enables us to provide individualised provision to best meet any additional educational, social and emotional needs for our pupils.
Who do I see if I am worried?
- Your child’s Class Teacher is your first point of contact. You can arrange to speak to the Class Teacher after school, usually by appointment.
- You can also arrange to speak to the school’s SENCO—Miss Ellie Booth.
- An appointment with Miss Booth can be made through the School Office - Middlezoy: 01823 698455, Othery: 01823 698464.
Who might work with my child?
Both Middlezoy Primary School and Othery Village School have an excellent team of teachers and support staff that have a wealth of knowledge and experience.
It may be necessary to involve outside professionals to support the school in planning an appropriate for provision for your child. You will be included in the process of referring to these services.
Further Information
For more information, you can download the following documents which detail our approach, plans and policies for catering to special educational needs.
SEN Information Report
If you are worried about a child or young person who could be in danger please contact:
· Children’s Social Care on 0300 123 2224
· or by email at
· the police.
For more information please go to:
Further Support
You are able to access parental support from Victoria Gould our PFSA (Parent Family Support Advisor). Please see below for a leaflet explaining the role of the PFSA.
Referrals can be made to the PFSA via the SENCO:
You can also contact Parent Partnership for advice on:
01823 355578