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Welcome to Middlezoy & Othery Schools

To be the best we can be!

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Lunch Menus

Universal Free School Meals

Termly Choices in Key Stage 1 – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 

All children in these year groups are entitled to a free school meal. Six-weekly menu choices are provided for parents/children to choose via Parent Pay. If we do not receive a completed menu by MONDAY AFTERNOON for the following week, we will assume that you do not require free school meals for your child.


Free School Meals

All year groups/classes. If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, then please order via Parent Pay by MONDAY AFTERNOON for the following week.


Paid For Meals

Key Stage 2 – Years 3, 4, 5 & 6

If your child is in one of the above year groups, and doesn’t receive Free School Meals, you can order and pay for meals on a weekly basis. Orders can be made and paid for via Parent Pay. Orders need to be made and paid for by MONDAY AFTERNOON for meals for the FOLLOWING week. 


If you have any queries please call Miss Braithwaite in the School Office.


