Reception Class
The children in our reception class have access to the wonderful outdoor learning environment on a daily basis. Children are encouraged to develop their writing through imaginative play, our writing shed, pictured below, gives the children the ideal opportunity to do this. List writing, letters, notes to teachers and parents have all been created in here!
In addition to this, there are blackboards for the children to use in the outdoor area and they simply love writing on the playground in chalk!
Off to a flying start!

Just some of the books we use to encourage and inspire ...

Writing in KS1 and KS2
We look to inspire the children through a range of engaging texts. Writing takes on many forms, including to entertain, inform, discuss and persuade.
In fiction writing, children have the opportunity to write character and scene descriptions, retell familiar stories and write their own imaginative stories such as twisted-tales linked to well know fairytales.
Our non-fiction writing includes report writing, non-chronological texts, chronological texts, autobiographical work, letters to inform and persuade and newspaper reports.
Within the sequence of lessons, the children will look at the key features of the text type they are working on, they will look at quality examples to help organise and plan their own work. Children are encouraged to reflect and develop their own work through careful editing with peer or teacher support.
During the week, the children will have a discrete grammar lesson which will then feed into their writing. For example, in key stage 1 they may be looking at conjunctions such as: or, but, and, whereas year 3 and 4 may be looking at the correct use of although, because, when and since as subordinating conjunctions. These would then be seen in their longer writing for that week.