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Welcome to Middlezoy & Othery Schools

To be the best we can be!

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The Schools are their own admissions authority, but we follow the SCC Code of Practice. We have one intake at the Foundation Stage in September. We feel that it is in the best interests of the children to start school full time straight away.  Alternative provision can be arranged on a 1:1 basis.


In preparation for their move to school we offer induction sessions during the summer term to give the children the opportunity to familiarise themselves with their new surroundings.

Foundation Stage teachers visit pre-school settings to meet the children before they start their new school, and arrange to visit children in their own homes.


Most of our pupils transfer to Huish Episcopi Academy. Parents/guardians will be advised when the application process is open and when the on-line application site goes live. Parents will be informed of the deadline for all applications and will have the opportunity to attend open evenings organised by the secondary schools. Parents are notified of the outcome of the application process during the second half of the Spring Term.


Admission Arrangements 2025 - 2026

Admissions Arrangements 2024-2025

Link to Huish Episcopi Academy

Admissions Information for 2023-24


Starting School  – September 2023

The Common Application Form (CAF) must be completed. These are available from the Somerset Local Authority at  or by calling 0300 123 2224 (2023 primary and secondary admission guides can also be found via this link). Completed application forms must be received by your home Local Authority by 2359hrs on the closing date of 15 January each year and will be considered under the ‘Equal Preference with Ranking’ method.

The Local Authority will forward all applications that are received on time to the school for the Governing Body to consider and take admission decisions. If there are fewer applications than places available every child will be allocated a place. However, if there are more applications than places available, the governors will rank them against the published Over Subscription Criteria as set out in our Admissions Policy.

A list indicating those children to be allocated places will be returned to Somerset Local Authority and the Local Authority will send out decision letters on behalf of the Governing Body by email or second class post on Monday 17th April 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be recorded as late and cannot then be administered until all on time applications have been considered by which time places may no longer be available with the Published Admission Number.

Please see our Joint Admissions Policy on the Policies page under the Parents tab on this website for further information including the Over Subscription Criteria.


Admission for Disabled Pupils

The schools have an Equal Opportunities Policy and we welcome all children whose parents feel they can benefit from the education we have to offer.   No child with a disability will be treated less favourably than other pupils.  There are disabled toilet facilities in both schools and disabled access into all classrooms.  The Governing Body are committed to inclusion and, where necessary, alterations to the building may be possible to ensure appropriate access for all children.


Accessibility Plan

The main targets of the current accessibility plan include:

  • Review of classroom organisation to ensure accessibility of all resources
  • Appropriately differentiated planning
  • Improve parental access to school information

Further information can be found on the policy page. 



In-year admissions


Do you have a child due to start school in September 2023, or do you need to move schools during the academic year?  


If you want to move your child mid-year, please contact the school office  to book a suitable time to visit. 


If you are looking to change schools or are moving into our area, please contact our office team, who will be more than happy to help you.



Or call 01823 698464 for Othery or 01823 698465 for Middlezoy


In-year application forms are available from Somerset County Council or can be collected from the school office.
